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Comparethecoffin.com Is for People

  • who need to arrange a funeral for someone now
  • who want to make future arrangements for their own funeral
  • who know which funeral director they want to use or plan to do the funeral themselves and just wish to buy a coffin

What Comparethecoffin.com does?

Most of us ‘buy’ no more than 2 funerals in a lifetime and rarely give much thought to them in between – beyond reflecting that they seem rather expensive. So we’re not very good at it, and for very good reasons. Not only are we unskilled, but we also have a great deal on our minds. Grief can make a person vulnerable and distracted.

But buying a funeral is the same as buying anything else, it’s a commercial transaction, and we wouldn’t dream of buying a car, a fridge, a television, a builder, without doing our homework first. The more we know, the better decisions we can make.

ComparetheCoffin.com is designed to assist and inform you speedily and efficiently. It will empower you to make informed decisions. It will enable you to play your part as you wish and create a funeral you will be proud of. It will enable you to:

  • Decide how the body of the person who has died will be cared for and who will do it
  • Make informed choices about products and services
  • Get the best value for money
  • Create a meaningful and memorable funeral ceremony
  • Create a Future funeral wishes plan

What ComparetheCoffin.com does not do?

ComparetheCoffin.com does not take a campaigning stance on any issue, preferring to set out facts dispassionately (emotionally neutral) and allow you to make your own choices according to your own values.

The information we provide does not reproduce what’s already widely available on subjects like registering the death, what coroners do, probate and other administrative and financial matters. It does give you links to other associated services which have been carefully chosen by ComparetheCoffin.com.

The information and forms are written in a straightforward, matter-of-fact way which is not designed to be insensitive. On the contrary, it does not presume to address how you may be feeling.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, Have you any questions about the website or funerals which you would like to ask us?

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