Everline Future 50 Winner’s Badge

As you maybe aware Comparethecoffin.com received a nomination as one of the country’s top 50 innovative businesses.
Pictures of the event can seen on our facebook page and a live twitter account was running during the event #everlinefuture50
We have now posted the photos from the evening on our Facebook page.
You can also take a look at the unveiling video of the Future 50.
We will send you a short feedback survey later today and would really appreciate it if you could take the time to complete it – it will only take five minutes.
We would also like to know which of the 50 is your personal favourite? Here is the full list of the 50 if you need a reminder.
The company with the most votes will be named the 50's Favourite.
Let us know which company is your favourite by emailing us: amy.carroll@caspianmedia.com