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How It Works

Here’s how it works. You can create a plan for your own funeral at some time in the future create a plan for a funeral for someone else now just buy a coffin.

If you just want to buy a coffin, go to the Coffins Shop tab on the menu now.

If you want to make a plan, you’ll need to work your way through the form under the Plan tab. We have made it as straightforward as possible, and we offer you lots of useful information to help you to make informed choices. You can also email us for advice and, if you want, talk things over on the phone. Take your time. Go back and change your plan as often as you like – there’s no time limit. If, at any stage, you think it’s not for you, just quit. You will never hear from us again.

When you are satisfied, we will ask you to buy a coffin. That’s your first big saving. When you are ready we will send your plan to all funeral directors within a geographical area specified by you. Those funeral directors will generate a quote and tell you why they think they may be exactly right for you. Select the one you like best. We will then instruct that funeral director to contact you. We make no assumptions about what’s best for you. You’re in charge. If the first funeral director you choose doesn’t work out, come back to us and we’ll find you another.

Future Plan

If you want to make a Future plan, go to Plans and select Future Plan. We have made it as straightforward as possible, and we offer you lots of useful information to help you to make informed choices. Choose a coffin during the plan, but this is just to tell the person who will be arranging your funeral what type of coffin you would want, you do not need to pay anything, and this a completely free service.

Once you’ve completed your funeral plan you can print the plan out and / or email it others to let them know your funeral wishes. Your funeral plan stays on our system and can be edited and updated as many times as you like.

Immediate Plan

If you need to make an Immediate plan, go to Plans and Select Immediate Plan. Complete the forms, select a coffin from our catalogue (if you there is a something in mind which isn’t in the catalogue – please give us call and we’ll source it for you) when you are satisfied, we will ask you to pay for the coffin you have selected. That’s your first significant saving. We will then send your plan to all funeral directors who cover your area.

Funeral Directors will review your plan and then submit a quotation with any additional information, telling you why they think they may be exactly right for you. This will be emailed directly to you. Please feel free to contact the Funeral Directors directly, read reviews and make an informed choice. When you are happy use the link in the email to select the Funeral Director of your choice – and we’ll send the coffin you have purchased direct to them. We will then instruct that funeral director that they are successful and either they will contact you (or you contact them) as we then give them your direct details, and then you can make all the final arrangements with them.

You’re in charge. If the funeral director you choose doesn’t work out, come back to us and we’ll enable you to switch to another.

Shortly after the funeral we will ask you to provide feedback on both the funeral director and the coffin. This is important as it will help other people in the same position help make choices.

You can also email us for advice, and if you want, talk things over on the phone. Take your time. Go back and change your plan as often as you like – there’s no time limit.

Types Of Coffins

English Willow Coffin

The English Willow has been grown in England on the Somerset Levels for many centuries and has the ability to regenerate repeatedly from the same “crown” of the plant for up to 40 years. Willow colour variations are achieved naturally by drying, boiling or stripping the bark.

Bamboo Coffin

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet, growing up to a metre per day. The Chinese have a saying that the only way to control its spread is to eat the shoots. Bamboo is also incredibly strong, with a tensile strength greater that that of steel. There is a 300 metre long suspension bridge in South China which hangs from bamboo cables fastened over a canyon; it does not have a single metal nail, screw or bolt in its construction.

Please Note: Panda bears do not eat the species of bamboo which are used to make our products.

Banana Coffin

The banana, believed to have originated from the jungles of Asia, is generally mistaken for a tree, but is actually the world’s largest herb. Their main stem can reach a height of up to 8 metres, though it is not actually formed of wood, but the tightly coiled leaves of the plant. Our banana coffins are made using these dried leaves after the tree has produced its fruit and the stem is cut back each year.

European Willow Coffin

Our European willow products are hand made to by a co-operative of cottage industries in Poland. The willow is a deciduous shrub found primarily on moist soil in cold and temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere. Almost all European willows take root very readily from cuttings or even where broken branches lie on the ground.

Fabric Coffin

These are UK Manufactured cardboard coffins covered with a decorated ‘Pall’ either Fragrant Root or Woven Banana Leaf. Both these options are hand made in fair trade facility in Indonesia. Gives a unique look and very good value.

Fabric Coffin

These are UK Manufactured cardboard coffins covered with a decorated ‘Pall’ either Fragrant Root or Woven Banana Leaf. Both these options are hand made in fair trade facility in Indonesia. Gives a unique look and very good value.

Buy a coffin with complete confidence with the Comparethecoffin.com price promise “If you find the same coffin or casket of the same quality for less we will refund the difference.”

Our pricing is completely clear with no hidden extras, VAT and delivery are included, we are usually able to deliver any coffin within 2 working days. Please contact us with any questions or for advice or

Telephone 0800 690 6513. Alternatively email any of your questions to info@comparethecoffin.com

After you receive the coffin – we will send an invoice and also ask you to complete a form providing feedback on the Service you received from ComparetheCoffin.com, the coffin itself and also feedback on the Funeral Director used (if any). It’s important to have this feedback to help others in the same position.

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