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The Emperor – Wooden American Casket Coffin
The Emperor – Wooden American Casket Coffin
Bamboo Traditional Coffin
Bamboo Traditional Coffin


A cremation urn is basically meant to hold the cremated remains or ashes received after cremating a dead body. During cremation, the human body is reduced to almost 3-7 pounds, depending on the size and weight of the individual.

It is interesting to note that although we generally refer to cremains as ashes, the body does not actually turn into ash after incineration; it reduces into minute particles and pieces of bones that are further ground to get powdery consistency.

Anyway, coming back to urns, they are particularly used in cultures that recommend the process of cremation for disposing of the dead body. It is believed that this helps reduce the soul?s attachment to the body.

Urns are also known as cremation urns, funeral urns, memorial urns, or cinerary urns. The tradition of using funeral urns for ashes was introduced by the Ancient Greeks. They were originally called lekythoi.

The vase-like containers were used to store oil used for anointing dead bodies. In addition, archeologists have excavated such urns from the Stone Age in caves of Europe and the North East.

To read more about Cremation Urns, Ash Caskets and Scatter Tubes click here

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After you receive the coffin – we will send an invoice and also ask you to complete a form providing feedback on the Service you received from ComparetheCoffin.com, the coffin itself and also feedback on the Funeral Director used (if any). It’s important to have this feedback to help others in the same position. See previous Testimonials here and also on our facebook page – please like us!

Please note that our coffin pricing policy is completely open and includes Packing, Shipping to Mainland UK and VAT. Any OPTIONAL extras such as name plate engraving for the front of the coffin, bespoke coffin designs, special handles and luxury linings, small additional charges will be made.


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